Partnership - 2024.03.28

New opportunities with White Label

Advania now offers a White Label option for VMware Cloud Service Provider Partners in the new VMware Broadcom programme.

For numerous years, Advania, in partnership with VMware, has provided services and comprehensive solutions across various areas, including Data Centre, Hybrid Cloud, Cyber Security, and Digital Workspace. With Broadcom's introduction of an entirely new White Label model, Advania is now able to offer resale and support for VMWare/Broadcom products and services.

– It is crucial for us to deliver 'results as a service,' and the new model affords us even greater capacity to comprehend the challenges our customers face and to collaboratively generate value, states Richard Edholm, Head of Infrastructure Services at Advania Sweden.

As a partner of VMware/Broadcom, Advania is equipped to supply customers with licences, support, specialist consultancy, and hardware solutions, all designed to safeguard business continuity and security. Interested? Get in touch with your Advania sales representative!