Sustainability - 2022.06.07

Advania puts focus on sustainable growth and responsibility

Advania releases the 2021 Sustainability Report covering the entire Advania Group. The report shows that the focus on sustainable growth is paying off: with new majority owners and several acquisitions both in the Nordic region and Northern Europe, Advania puts its focus on building the Group's ability to manage growth and the resulting increased expectations on responsible business conduct both internally and in the value chain.

After several years of organic growth thanks to long-term customer relationships, winning awards for the industry's most satisfied customers and an exceptionally strong culture among employees, the year 2021 was a year of acquisitions and increased focus on sustainability and ethics in both Advania’s own operations and the supply chain.

Mikael_NoakssonMikael Noaksson, CEO at Advania Group

– We recognise the huge potential impact of the IT industry in reducing climate emissions and we want to take responsibility for reducing emissions across the value chain; from the global manufacturing chain, internally within ourselves and ultimately with our customers. The companies within the Advania Group are at different stages of development and are therefore able to support, inspire and challenge each other to continuously improve their sustainability efforts. In Sweden, for example, we have set new ambitious targets for reducing our climate impact in 2021, and Advania Iceland has successfully invested in increasing the number of women in IT education in the country, says Mikael Noaksson, CEO at Advania Group.

Proactive efforts strengthen the entire Group

One area that has come under even greater global scrutiny in the past year is sanctions compliance, export restrictions and corruption.

– Advania is expected to work proactively to prevent corruption and other business ethics violations in all countries where we operate. Combined with Advania's focus on Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals, a Group-wide approach to compliance feels timely, says Helena Nordin, Head of Group Compliance and Corporate Responsibility at Advania.

Read Advania's Sustainability Report

For more information:

Mikael Noaksson, Group CEO
Phone: +46 76 140 00 80