sustainability documentation

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Sustainability background
Ongoing reporting

Our sustainability and climate documents

Curious about how Advania's sustainability work has developed over the years? Feel free to browse:

Other documentation

Policies and statements

Find and download other sustainability-related documents here.

Our Sustainability policy →

Advania aims to minimise our impact on people and the environment. We're committed to constantly improving our sustainability efforts and the quality of our services and products throughout their lifecycle. We strive to meet or exceed all relevant laws and stakeholder requirements.

Code of conduct for suppliers →

This Code of Conduct is rooted in Advania's values and is designed to clarify our attitude to and work on basic social, ethical and environmental standards. The Code utgår från is based on the principles that are described in the UN Global Compact, which is itself based on the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, and the UN Convention against Corruption.

Code of conduct for employees →

This Code of Conduct is based on Advania's values and is intended to clarify our position towards and work regarding fundamental social, ethical and environmental standards. The Code of Conduct is based on the ten principles of the international UN Global Compact.

Anti-corruption Policy →

Advania has high standards of ethical and business conduct in our operations and we are committed to fighting all forms of corruption and financial crime. We have zero tolerance for bribery, corruption and other forms of financial crime. This is one of our fundamental principles and must be respected.

Any questions?

Contact me:

Chief Sustainability Officer
Chief Sustainability Officer

Helena Nordin